If You're Actually Angry Because Halsey Posted a Picture Wearing a Push-Up Bra And Looking Hot You Need To Get Off Social Media And Reset Your Brain

We've got a lot of assholes out there in the world these days. People who are so miserable with themselves that they can't help but try to ruin other people's days. They'll get angry about things that are so absurd you start to question society as a whole. Yesterday they one upped themselves as they grabbed their pitch forks and stormed Halsey's twitter account, rioting over...*checks notes* her posting a push-up bra picture and looking hot.

What on Earth could anyone be mad about that for? Seriously, it escapes me as to how that picture can trigger someone. She's hot and showing off her body. The horror!!!

Whoever the body cops are need to be locked up. If you're gonna freak out over an attractive person posting their body then it might be a good time to delete social media and do something else with your time. I realize the guy typing these words spends his time online freaking out over Brian Cashman constantly botching the Yankees roster, but even as terrible of a time as that may be, it's still better than this Halsey nonsense. 

Stop these people at once before it's too late and someone like Halsey stops posting themselves online. 

P.S. It's entirely possible no one was angry at Halsey and she kinda just made this up so people could search her pics and defend her for being hot. I'd respect that move so much