'It Was An F-You To The Entire Carolina Fanbase' - Cooper Flagg's Mom Claims Her Celebration Of His Dunk Was Because UNC Fans Were Being 'Classless A-Holes'

Alright, I guess we have to talk about it because it's picking up steam here. Saturday was the most overhyped game of the regular season. People pretending like Duke/UNC mattered when it meant absolutely nothing to anyone outside of the two fanbases. UNC sucks, people trying to pretend they are decent or should be in the Tournament are just lying to themselves. Duke is basically Gonzaga in the WCC, playing a bunch of nobodies and garbage teams. But this moment is what everyone started talking about. Cooper Flagg dunking, his mom celebrating. 

She now explains it: 

Now just wait a goddamn second here. We're saying UNC fans were too mean? The wine and cheese crowd? The same fans who were celebrating that their team tried hard

Not to mention it's a Duke vs UNC game. Of course people are going to be mean to their rival. It's also Duke! We somehow live in a world where people are trying to say Duke isn't hatable this year. They are Duke. Jon Scheyer still whines and is learning how to whine more like K. Cooper Flagg's mom is getting screen time and saying it was a big fuck you to the classless UNC fans, all while forgetting Duke fans do the same shit. Of course we are getting conflicting reports of what happened

Let's get one thing very clear as we enter Championship Week. Fuck Duke. I don't want to hear that they are likable or anything else. If this was JJ Redick's mom, Cherokee Parks, Bobby Hurley, Christian Laettner, Danny Ferry, Shane Battier, Grayson Allen's we would all be talking shit about it. That's the Duke we were raised on, none of this well they really aren't bad because the ACC sucks stuff. I don't even care about celebrating your son's dunk. I can promise you if one of my two sons ends up being a future No. 1 pick I will be the most obnoxious person in that arena. This is simply a reminder that Duke (and UNC) both suck.