"Fuck It, We’re Both Washed, It Was A Great Run @RealSkipBayless" - Kevin Durant Had Some Time On His Hands Today So He Decided To Hop On Twitter And Bury Skip Bayless

Maybe it's just me, but I'm sort of burnt out on the "hot take" approach that we tend to get in our sports media coverage. I get why it exists, I understand it's never going to stop because that's how you generate eyeballs and clicks and all that stuff, but I dunno there's just something about it that doesn't quite hit the same.
Now, it's more sad than anything else. Like how Colin Cowherd has spent a week straight where every day on his show he tries his best to be the new Skip Bayless to Jayson Tatum. He went viral with one rant and then immediately went full blown moron and shit on him for a week straight, chasing that previous high. It's all been extremely awkward and very weird to the point where it becomes very obvious what's being attempted. It's forced, it's disingenuous, and it's flat out sad at its point.
We all saw the reaction from the media when LeBron said what he did about the face of the NBA and how all the media does is shit on players. What happened? They all immediately shit on the product and players.
If there's one thing you knew, it's that Skip Bayless wasn't going to sit this one out, he just had to find his next target. There's only so much LeBron hating he can do and not get a reaction from, so he decided to switch his gears and set his sights on Kevin Durant
Look, there are a lot of things that are wrong with the Suns, but to anyone who has watched them at all this season, nowhere on that list is Kevin Durant. He's played in 50 games putting up 26.9/6.1/4.3 on 53/39% splits playing 37 minutes a night. Just because his team may stink doesn't mean he's not mentally focused. He's Kevin Durant! He's a pure hooper! So what, he's doing a documentary about his life. How is that any different from any other current player in today's media? Everyone has documentaries.
Now there's a difference in going after LeBron like Skip loves to do and then doing it with someone like KD. LeBron is going to ignore you and not give you the satisfaction of a response. KD? KD has all the time in the world AND he's chronically online. Not only does he see everything, he's actually going to respond. Coming off the very much needed win today over the Mavs after putting up 21/9/8, KD decided to hop on Twitter
It is a pretty crazy thing to suggest given how much work probably goes into playing at the level KD routinely plays at despite his age and injury history. The same way we talk about there being no dropoff with LeBron or Steph, well the same shit is true with KD. I imagine the work, rehab, focus, and commitment it takes to maintain that level of greatness is not something that's possible with a player who is "semi-retired". At that point you just say fuck it and ride off into the sunset. When has that ever been KD? This man loves to play basketball more than many people love anything in their own life. It's what makes him one of one.
And I know KD gets a lot of hate online for doing stuff like this, but I always find it refreshing. This is what social media is all about. He's the GOAT in terms of player socials, one of our generation's greatest posters, and a lot of it is from stuff like this. I mean their game JUST ended and he's on his phone burying Skip on Twitter. If you can't find humor in that, I dunno what to tell ya.
For those of us who actually enjoy watching Kevin Durant play basketball, it also doesn't really feel like we're close to his retirement. He's definitely got enough juice left in the tank, and I imagine wherever he ends up being traded to this summer ends up signing him to at least another 2-3 year extension. Why not? Until he starts showing real signs of regression, he seems like a pretty decent option to have on your basketball team.