A Watershed Moment Occurred Today At A College Baseball Game, When A Camerman Caught A Smoke Taking Pics Of Her Ass
It's been a slow news weekend aside from a guy on "America's Team", the Chiefs, having their umpteenth domestic abuse incident.
But this video clip, caught by a cameraman doing the Lord's work at a Coastal Carolina vs. ECU today, (two of the biggest and best Barstool Blackout Tour schools ever by the way)- was burning up the interwebs earlier, but I know there's a strong contingent of longtime stoolies who refuse to go on social media (Sidebar - I assume these are the smartest, happiest people that read this website).
So for those people, your boy's got you.
Remember a few years ago when a cameraman finally caught footage of a killer whale killing a shark? It had never been caught on video before and it was a rare, landmark event?
I feel like this is one of those times.
A "watershed" moment if you will.
For years and years now, since the advent of the cameraphone, males have been enjoying treasures that prior generations of the species could only dream.
But we have never known how the sausage was made.
Asking girls to send you a pic is a creep ball move. (Unless you're Nicky Smokes who I assume doesn't even think twice) But we all love getting them. So mustering up the courage usually takes a little bit of liquid courage, or being extremely horned up.
Deep down, us guys know women love being asked, but they ask like they don't, love making excuses, and make it seem like it's this big arduous process that you owe them for.
Now we know.
This girl got a text from the guy she's fucking that read "I want to see your ass".
And like the awesome girlfriend she is, she obliged.
In public, at a baseball game, and her girlfriend didn't even blink.
Very fascinating stuff.
And wicked easy and simple.
It doesn't need to be an Annie Liebovitz orchestrated photo-shoot. We don't give a fuck about artistry or lighting or any of that shit. Keep it simple and we'll be happy every time.
p.s. - Chicks have zero clue how easy it is to make a man's day and get anything you want from him. You need an ok to go shopping or spend money on pointless shit? Preface that request with a fire pic to your guy and I promise you it will go over a million times smoother. Scraped the car's rims on the curb for the hundredth time this year and are afraid to tell him? Shoot over a sexy suggestive "I'm sorry" shot and promise you he won't even care because all the blood will be flowing from his big head to his little head. This isn't rocket science.
p.p.s. - I see you player.