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John Cena Has Turned Heel! John Cena Has Turned Heel!!!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE JOHN CENA JUST TURNED HEEL!!!!!

Genuinely one of the most shocking moments in WWE history. Never thought I'd see the day where John Cena would turn heel. There were so many times where it would have made sense and they never did it. And then tonight they pulled the trigger. We have a heel John Cena aligned with a heel Rock, beating the shit out of Cody Rhodes. I think I am more stunned by this than when Lesnar beat Taker. It's JOHN CENA we're talking about. HE DOES NOT TURN HEEL!!!! Absolutely insane to see this happening.

And of course Travis Scott was in the ring with them…lmao. I really cannot stop laughing at Travis Scott randomly being in the ring during this pivotal moment in wrestling history. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. It'd be like if LL Cool J was in the ring when Hogan joined the nWo. Why is Travis Scott part of this insane moment?!

Kinda adds to the lore though. We'll always be like "remember Travis Scott was there when Cena turned heel". 

Story-wise this makes Cody an even stronger face and he should beat Cena at Mania. Or they have some sort of longterm plan to strap an even bigger rocket to him. Very, very interested in where they go from here. HHH you bad, bad man, you done did it again.