I Scarred Tate For Life With A Dry Heave For The Ages During The Fat Man Contest On Barstool After Dark

Last night, Tate Eddie & I went on a mission from God to complete the Fat Man Challenge for Barstool After Dark.

We had seven hours & twelve minutes to complete the following.....

112 Chicken Wings

26 Orders of Fries

2.3 Gallons of Soda

As expected, it was no freaking joke! 

We came out blasting early and made a big dent in the Buffalo Wild Wings chicken wings. Both Eddie & I made an effort to eat fries while Tate focused on just the wings.

After a strong initial start, it got ROUGH for the boys. Both Tate & Eddie puked as the fries were cold & soggy. They were definitely the kryptonite.

A few hours in, I was trying to eat my 31st chicken wing when this magical clip happened.....

I dry heaved after eating a bite of an dry crispy & reheated chicken wing and scared the bejesus out of the boys. Tate looks like he shot out of a cannon running away from me and cannot say that I blame him!

The Will Compton Museum may never be the same after I hurled my guts out at 2am. It was the most I have thrown up in at least a decade but it did make me feel a lot better.

We all rallied at the end of the stream around 3:30am finishing the wings & soda while knocking out some fries to finish strong.

Eddie was an absolute warrior eating over 30 wings, 7 orders of fries and 10 Pepsi Zeros. Tate did a helluva job with 45 wings but slacked some with 5 Pepsi Zeros and 3 orders of fries. The chat was calling him One Fry Tate for hours.

I knocked down 37 wings, 5 orders of fries & 11 Pepsi Zeros leaving Tate with a daunting 11 miles to walk as 11 orders of fries were left.

To Tate's credit, he sacked up and somehow walked 11 FREAKING MILES after stuffing himself at 4am! Gotta put some respect on his name for that effort and the Fat Man Challenge was completed.

The honorable Judge Danny Conrad and both Hannah Montoya & Annika (Hooters Girls/Servers) also contributed a ton and deserve to be thanked. 

Lucas on the other hand…. what a devious mind running the show.

Check out Barstool After Dark Fat Man Challenge if you like watching grown men suffer……