This Woman Is Getting Roasted for Being a Raging Asshole and Lunatic Online After a Guy Complimented Her Home

Fellas, go ahead and add "complimenting someone's home" to the list of things we are no longer supposed to do (mommy-dependent behavior).

It's exceedingly rare to get even 60 percent of people to agree on anything these days, but this was a take so remarkably ludicrous and indefensible that it has been universally rebuked by the court of public opinion. This tweet has 22 million vies and I haven't seen one person agree with the original post. That's a genuinely impressive level of being wrong.

I just can't even imagine being such a chronically online and brain-warped loser that someone comes over to your house, says he likes some of your stuff and your immediate inclination is to run to social media to flame that guy for being "fucking lame and pathetic." What an ironic choice of adjectives from someone willing to be such an unabashed asshole.

It's somewhat refreshing to see there are still takes in today's day and age that will rally the troops for a good, old-fashioned public shaming. They're few and far between, but that makes it that much sweeter when you get one.