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Southwest Pilot Makes A Big Time Heads Up Play, Narrowly Avoiding A Private Plane Crossing The Runway

Gollllllyyyyyyy! What a heads up play by the pilot here. I feel like Big Pilot has heard everyone say "the planes basically fly themselves these days" and decided to prove that they in fact do not fly themselves at all. 

Sure, once the bird is in the air and they hit that auto-pilot button the pilots drink some whiskey, slap a flight attendant on the ass, and do a crossword puzzle (I don't know what pilots do for 5 hours, but in this blog they are in a Dante the Don 1960's dream world). But when it comes to taking off and landing these pilots are apparently dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodging left and right. I think we were first introduced to this phenomenon when Sully landed his plane in the river after hitting the flock of birds, but now it feels like every 4th Tuesday there's a new one. (Sidenote: remember that scene in the Sully movie with Michael Rapaport that single-handily ruined the movie and then when we told him how much it sucked he had a temper tantrum? Boy Michael Rapaport is the WOAT.)

And if I'm the Southwest pilot I'm pissed the fuck off. All you're trying to do is get this 800 MPH steel tube from point A to point B which should already be impossible, and then you see some goodie-two-shoes private plane trying to end your life? I cannot imagine how furious the pilot was. Sure they stay cool, calm, and collected on the radio because everything is recorded, but for that little PJ to cross his runway at that time must've been so god damn infuriating. If he wants to challenge the pilot or whatever rich SOB was onboard to Rough N Rowdy they would have to consent. Probably some internet zillionaire and his 2 gay dogs if I had to guess.