The Penguins Should Rip Off The Band-Aid And Trade Sidney Crosby
The Penguins aren't just a bad team. They aren't just a terrible team. They are a horrific team. They are as poorly assembled as a team can be. Just up and down the roster almost everything is a mistake. And that's why they sit in last place in the Metro with a -44 goal differential, which is by far the worst in the East.
So now that we did a little background on the Penguins current situation, let's talk about Sidney Crosby. I'm a Pens hater, but like most rational people, I can respect Crosby. He's one of the best players these eyes will ever see. He's won everything possible at every level, has ripped my heart out of my chest 100 times, and at 37 years old he's still one of the best players in the league. However, he's on a dog shit team going absolutely nowhere. So…….
….So they have to trade him. They just have to. You always hear about how "sports is a business". At the end of the day, the Penguins must do what is best for the future of the franchise, right? You can't just hold onto a player because he's been there forever and has done good things in the past. Holding onto Crosby does the Penguins a disservice and there's truly no denying that. He's sort of like the shirt that you keep in your closet year after year that you never wear. You know you should get rid of the shirt, you know you'll never wear it again, but you just can't seem to pull the trigger. That's the Penguins current situation with Crosby.
In theory, the Pens cannot trade him. He's the heart and soul of the franchise. Maybe even of the city. He's done everything and more for the Penguins and city of Pittsburgh. But unfortunately for them, that's why they have to move him. He can't do anything more for them. The team will be a basement dweller for the foreseeable future, with or without him. But by moving him they can climb out of the basement much quicker. That's just how it works it sports and we've seen it a million times over.
Trading Sid would be devastating to the fan base. They would riot. They would cry. Seats would be empty. It would have an immediate impact on the Penguins bottom line. But overall it would become a net-positive. The assets they could get in return for Sid would jump-start a rebuild. Multiple prospects and draft picks over the next few years while being in last place is more valuable than holding on to Sid and also being in last place. That's just the fact of the matter.
If I was a Penguins fan I would probably be against it. I would hate to see my savior in another team's sweater. It would kill me as a fan. But I'd have to at least understand it.
Star players get traded all the time. Gretzky was traded. The Bruins famously traded Ray Bourque to the Avs so he could win a Cup. It's different, but we just saw Luka get traded.
I don't think Sid would "demand" a trade. He's too classy of a broad. But it wouldn't shock me if I got a news alert that said him and the team have mutually decided to look into it. He's still playing at a high level, the Pens desperately need to rebuild, and there would be a big market out there for his services.
Will it happen? Beats me. But if I'm the Penguins, I do it. Well, maybe get rid of your stupid GM first, hire someone competent, and then do it. As a Caps fan, I'm perfectly fine with them keeping Dubas forever, but if I'm the Pens, I get rid of him immediately.