In A Now Deleted Video, Kanye West Went At Portnoy On Twitter, While Wearing A Swastika Shirt, Calling Him Out, Because Dave Called Him Out About Launching A Fake Meme Coin

Not sure if we should be surprised at this, or if we should be nodding and thinking to ourselves that, "of course it's come to this." 

Kanye West vs. Dave Portnoy. 

A headline so 2025 it hurts. 

If you had told me back in 2008 when we were struggling to keep the lights on at the Milton office and selling tickets to "Stoolapalooza" featuring Mike Posner, Wale, and Dante The Don, while Kanye West was taking over the title of best rapper in the game, and changing the sound of music, that in 17 years Dave and him would be squaring off over a fungible online token I would have slapped you silly. 

But alas, here we are. 

Dave has been on a rocket ship doing laps around the moon at this point, while Kanye West has fallen off a cliff and desperately tries to cling to relevancy.

In a sense, we shouldn't be shocked that their two paths collided during their respective upwards and downwards trajectories. 

This all began earlier on Saturday evening.

Dave, COMPLETELY INNOCUOUSLY tweeted out a warning to all who would listen that a Kanye (scam) meme coin was on the way. 

"Kanye", or whoever is actually running his account now, responded quickly. 

Dave further elaborated. 

So a little bit of background quick. 

Kanye had yet another "meltdown" on twitter the last two weeks. Which just so happens to conveniently line up with his announcement of a new album he has on the way. Aptly titled, Bully.

It's probably going to suck, just like everything he has done since Watch The Throne has, so he was panicking. And so he went straight to the Kanye playbook and turned it to the Green Bay Power Sweep. Old Mr. Reliable. Stir up some good old Kanye controversy. 

He began praising Hitler, calling himself a nazi, proclaiming P Diddy is innocent, and other fun-loving icebreakers that mouth breathers nationwide love to ponder and discuss today. 

Much to his chagrin, it didn't really register. 

At all.

Nobody really gave a fuck. Or paid it any attention. Which is all this man craves.

Instead, people weren't the least bit shocked. Everybody pretty much felt bad for the guy and pitied him. 

So he took it a step further, dropped $7 million on the shittiest commercial that aired during the Super Bowl, directing people to a sad excuse for a website where he hawked an overpriced Chinese sweatshop made shirt, emblazoned with a swatstika. 

So edgy for a true piece of a shit. 

Fast forward to this weekend, and in an even more desperate maneuver, Kanye sold control of his social media to a crypto nerd. 

(Fake) "Kanye" began going at Dave on twitter (in now deleted tweets), 

He then posted, and then took down, this video (with his stupid fucking titanium grill in) pretending he doesn't know who Dave is. But still threatening him to "not mess with his money". (He's allegedly really hurting financially and thus panicking and overcompensating trying to promote his upcoming album.)

Dave responded 

And that was where things ended. 

But let the record show, Dave was way out ahead on publicly hating Kanye West. 

What a wild Saturday night in the gutter of social media.

p.s. - A+ tweet from Bigcat