A Full Blown Royal Rumble Broke Out In The Atlanta Airport

Look, I was gonna hit all the typical airport fight blog beats after watching that video. How I completely understand wanting to fight after the pressure cooker an airport can present to people with long lines, TSA, and delays. I was also going to break down the fight like a WWE announcer by giving props to the girl in the light pants closing the gender gap when it comes to fighting thanks to her signature move of stomping a mud hole in the ass of anyone who crossed her along with admitting that headline is factually incorrect because nobody was thrown over the top rope like the Royal Rumble. Then I would wrap things up by pointing out how perfect the timing of the Spirit sign was as well as how nuts this fight must've been if it got a kid to actually look up from his iPad while in an airport, which is almost an impossible task for any parent to pull off.

Blogger's Note: I had the same look on my face while watching this fight too, kid.

However I scrapped that whole blog once I saw the top comment on Twitter from @Shane_Spink:

Perfectly said, Shane The Pain. Southwest's first come, first serve boarding policy is a solid one for people looking for a "fair" way to choose the seating chart of a plane no matter when you bought your ticket. But this Spirit policy would be much more in line with Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest, which feels even more fair to me. If you don't want a good seat, don't put your dukes up. That simple. If you do, get ready to scrap. And the best part of this boarding system would be that the people most likely fight would probably be too tired or concussed to fight once the plane is flying thousands of feet above the ground and everyone is crammed in their seats. So bravo to these trailblazers at the Atlanta Airport and Shane The Pain for changing the (un)friendly skies of Spirit Airlines forever.