(Smart, Brave) Woman Is Divorcing Her Husband For Booing Taylor Swift At The Super Bowl, "It's Not About The Booing, It's What It Represents"

I know Barstool Sports dot Com isn't the right audience to defend a woman who wants to divorce her husband for booing at a sporting event, but I have to be honest - I love this move. I am on record saying that the Boos for Taylor Swift at the Super Bowl were annoying, but expected. Of course she got booed. She was rooting for the Chiefs in a stadium full of Eagles fans! No surprise, certainly a big eye roll, but pay it no mind. 

Then I found out that not only were Eagles fans booing Taylor, but also Chiefs fans/men/sad women with internalized misogyny alike. Now we're entering the territory where we have to think deeply about the state of the world. Why the fuck are we booing the famous popstar girlfriend of someone on one of the teams? Then we have Trump taking credit for it by saying shit like "MAGA is unforgiving" and suddenly, we're in another political war that has undertones of "hating women." Round and around we go. 

It sounds like this woman's husband decided it was so important to fit in with the boys at the big game, despite being a fan of Taylor Swift (with a DEEP CUT favorite track in Girl At Home by the way,) that he had no choice but to add to the boos. To be a part of the wave of hate crashing down on Taylor for absolutely zero reason whatsoever. Because it isn't Taylor, really, that people are booing - it's what she represents. I think everyone can stop pretending it's for any reason other than that. 

And so - I'm happy for this woman. Who knows if this video is fake, real, whatever - fuck her husband. You want to act a fool, you'll be treated like one. That behavior is an immediate ick that you can't come back from, even if you're married. I'd forever see my husband as an insecure little man-child and, tell me, do you want a BOY raising your future children and providing for your family? Or a man? 

Best of luck to her finding a REAL provider who respects women, sportsmanship, and above all else - his wife.