PK Subban Went on a Great Rant About NBA Players Not Giving a Shit and What Fans Deserve From Professional Athletes

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On the day in which we get one of the most anticipated hockey games of a generation, we also got PK Subban going on ESPN with a bunch of NBA mouthpieces and telling those fellas how much that league sucks now compared to the NHL, where the boys still go out there every night and give their all for the fans. You love to see it.

Now, I don't think the 4 Nations Faceoff compared directly to the NBA All-Star Game is necessarily the fairest comparison, because the NHL All-Star Game was mostly a joke, too, until they found this awesome new format. But you can pick virtually any regular season game from each of the two leagues, watch them back to back and see a pretty stark difference in who's trying harder — and that's not to mention the basketball players that aren't even on the court in any given game for "load management." Now factor in that the guys in the NBA are making 10-20 times what the guys in the NHL are making and the fact there could even be a discussion about the latter giving more effort becomes that much more egregious.

That the NBA has to combat these allegations at all is a damning indictment. It has the best players in the world playing America's second-favorite sport and one which has become radically popular globally in the last 30 years, yet people are turning away in drives because the players just don't seem to care about playing hard, if they even play at all. This year's NBA All-Star Game, which should be and used to be one of the coolest things to watch in sports, was a mockery rivaled only by other recent NBA All-Star Games. And that lack of effort has unquestionably seeped into the regular season. People involved with the NBA will tell you that's not true and that everyone is definitely playing defense as hard as they can all season, but whether it's true or not (it is), an appreciable amount of people certainly seem to think it's true, which means you have a problem regardless.

Thank you, PK, for speaking up for the fans. Make the NBA Care Again.