People Are Finally Calling Out Love Is Blind for It's Embarrassing Lack of Diversity

NY Post - “Love Is Blind” — but the viewers aren’t.

The hit Netflix dating series is receiving criticism from fans online for the lack of diversity with its Minneapolis, Minnesota-based Season 8 cast.

Viewers have called out the fact that the majority of the 32 contestants on this season are white — whereas the first seven seasons had about a 50/50 split between white and non-white contestants.

It's about damn time. I've been on the "Love Is Blind has a disgusting lack of diversity" train for a while now. Every season, they roll out the same vanilla-ass men and women to talk to each other through a wall. In the end, a handful of couples of are desperate enough to get engaged sight unseen. Then we all say, "Oh wow! Wyatt matched with Samantha, and Tanner got with Becky. I thought it might be the other way around. I can't believe Jenna didn't get engaged to anyone. The guys will be kicking themselves when they see that she's slightly hotter than the women they're probably not going to marry anyways." 

The show has so much potential, but every season Netflix insists on whitewashing the millennial dating pool. It's disgusting. The same demographic of people year after year. And for the first 7 seasons, nobody other than me seemed to care. But finally people have woken up. Because apparently in Season 8, Love Is Blind has finally reached the white people tipping point. Which is apparently somewhere between 50-70% white people. 

Personally, I don't think people are mad enough. What the hell Netflix? 70% white people? That's insane. But let's not stop there. What about fat people representation? America is the most obese country in the world. I'm yet to see a man or woman who exceeds 300 pounds. What about little people? What about people in wheelchairs? Not once have I seen Love Is Blind feature someone with less than four limbs. 

Honestly, in my personal beef with Love Is Blind's casting, racial diversity isn't anywhere near the top of my list. But if people being mad about too many white people is the first domino to fall in a series of events that leads to Love Is Blind matching an obese 400-pound man with an Instagram model, and giving us situations where a man and a woman fall in love sight unseen, then at the reveal the women is rolled out in a wheelchair and the guy learns for the first time that he fell in love with a quadriplegic. That's the diabolical television I want to see. That is what we should be bullying Love Is Blind into. 

I want Netflix to find the most intense, most relentless DEI professionals who have recently been fired from their positions and stick them on Love Is Blind. DEI people who are pissed off about being out of a job, and will really take their anger out on the show. People who will dig up types of people we didn't even know existed. I want half the cast of Love Is Blind to look like they were pulled out of a traveling circus. At least give us one season of that. One season that really puts "regular people" in impossible spots, where they're forced to admit that they won't marry a person specifically because they were born with a third arm growing out of their neck. That's compelling television. That's how you get an answer to your stupid, "Is love really blind?" question once and for all. 

How dare you Netflix. The world is made up of people of all different shapes, sizes, colors, and handicaps. It's only right weaponize diversity in a way that makes for good TV.