Mick Cronin Does The Only Logical Thing After Blowing A 17-Point Lead - Blames His Own Fans For UCLA Shooting Like Shit

Do you think Mick Cronin would say anything else here? He just watched his team blow a 17-point lead to Minnesota. It cost him win number 500 for his career. UCLA shot 9-for-19 from the free throw line. It's the fans! They are too busy not clapping and worrying about shooting (fair worry) that's why UCLA sucked last night. That's why they blew a 17-point lead. Also he hilariously blames his players: 

There are very few coaches in America who rant, go off the rails, better than Mick. It's one of his specialities. We saw it earlier this year when he bitched about how much he saw the Statue of Liberty and traveling. At least his players are taking the blame

I just don't know how you blame UCLA fans. They get like 17 people there every single game. It's not some crazy environment, it's not a ridiculous home court advantage like we see in other places. Feel like you can't pull the blame fans card at UCLA unless you're bitching about them not showing up. That's fair. Do appreciate Cronin clarifying that UCLA players are not trying to miss free throws. Had to clear that up just to make sure we all knew. 

This is where Cronin is at his best though. UCLA was on a roll, they won 8 outta 9 before last night. Now they get a home loss, albeit to a bad Minnesota team, and we go right into blaming and ranting. He refuses to be happy, which is why he's a good coach. I just love the move to blame fans, it's one of the first times I can remember a coach blaming fans for caring.