Barstool After Dark Tonight: Dana Beers and Tate Will Drink 24 Beers and Make 24 Free Throws In A Row

So last week on Barstool After Dark, Nick, KB, and I lost a combined 30 pounds in a mere 6 hours. It will go down as one of the greatest athletic achievements of our generation, and also an all-time victory for me against the production team that swore it was "too dangerous" and "not a good idea". 140,000 views and still alive, Lucas, you piece of shit. Anyways, now the shoe is on the other foot tonight as we've flown Dana Beers to town for what I am pointing out to them is so fucking stupid because it's so fucking impossible. 

24 beers and 24 free throws in a row. And Lucas says that's too easy?? Do you remember when this company tried to make free throws SOBER? But of course, I'll try whatever they want so we made a couple stipulations to make it even harder.

1. The format goes drink a beer, make a FT. Drink Beer 2, make 2 straight FTs. Etc etc etc until it's drink beer #23, go make 23 straight free throws. And then a culmination of drinking beer 24, and then making 24 MORE straight free throws. Insane. Might take weeks.

2. Mulligan rule -- no free mulligans. We cannot even "earn" mulligans until after 15 beers and 15 free throws. And then at that point, we can earn them each round by someone in the office coming in and shotgunning a beer on camera. 

3. No visitors for 12 hours. AKA we won't just Celeb shot our way to victory here. If we suck, we're stuck. I think we're toying the idea of any celeb shooters must drink 2 beers to be allowed to shoot, too. TBD though -- tune in tonight to see the official rules. Or tune in in 3 days when we're halfway done with the challenge.

8 o'clock Central, 9 o'clock Eastern. Wet Ones with Dana Beers. Over/Under 28.5 hours.