Kids Today Will Never Know How Cool It Was To Have Sports Posters All Over Your Walls In The 90s

I feel confident titling this blog because I'm not even sure kids today even have posters? 

If they do, they're probably of Mr. Beast or some tik tok influencers or some shit. Definitely nothing even close to the same hemisphere as these 1990's works of art. 

And they definitely buy them on amazon or somewhere online. 

They'll never know the thrill of getting dropped off at the mall, killing 3 hours walking in and out of every store in the place, eventually making your way to Spencer Gifts or Newbury Comics, and flipping through the poster rolodex in the back of the store. 

Or the heartbreak of finding one you absolutely had to have, only to discover it was already sold out. 

Last night I was going nuts trying to find this old Bernie Kosar poster for one of our bars that I remembered seeing like 10 years ago inside a Browns fan's tailgate bus at the Municipal lot. It was Bernie looking ridiculously cool, with an even cooler nickname or tagline, like all the posters in the 90s were. Because everything was just cooler than it is today back then.

I ended up finding it, but in my search I stumbled down memory lane and found some relics from the past that brought a nostalgic tear to my eyes, as well as some that I never even knew existed. And now I wish I had endless wall space so that I could go nuts on eBay and wallpaper them with them all. 

I started a thread of them on twitter and encouraged people to post what they had. Or wish'd they had. 

We uncovered some real gold. Perfect for a throwback blog. 

If you know any we missed, post them in the thread and I'll update this blog accordingly. 

I think the Bills win for having the best overall posters for a single team. 

Goodness gracious was that team fucking stacked. 

It must have been so cool to have been a Chicago sports fan in the 80s and 90s. So many dominant athletes and giant personalities.

Pretty much the complete opposite of today. 

Imagine the uproar this one would have caused today?

The one that started the search…

These posters were so cool back then that they had their own sequels!

Nike made THE best everything back then. 


Look at all the empty seats in this one. Well before photoshop came along. 

Nike posters truly were works of art.