Anthony Rendon Is Ready For A Comeback Season For The Ages - Just Kidding He’s Already Getting Hip Surgery And Expected To Miss a Ton of Time

Dylan Buell. Getty Images.

Michael Jordan, Leo Messi, Novak Djokovic, and Tiger Woods. Just some of the best to ever do it when it comes to their craft. They put the time in for years to get where they are. Blood, sweat, and tears were poured out to separate them from the pack. 

The same can be said for Anthony Rendon. 

When we look back after the decades have gone by, no one will be able to say they stole more money from a professional sports organization than this man. Truly the GOAT. He simply refused to be denied the title. And that was BEFORE this upcoming season. This blog from Big T stopped me in my tracks. 

But Rendon isn't slowing down anytime soon. 2025? Not happening on his watch. Don't even think about it. 

Just take a look at this beauty. 

So far he's totaled five seasons "played" with an average of 51 games a year on the field. About $150M paid out by the Angels in that span which comes out to a shade less than $7M per homer. In those five seasons he's posted a cumulative WAR of 3.7. In his previous four years with the Nats he didn't have a single season WAR that dipped below 4.5. Rendon used to be a fucking monster who helped Washington win it all in 2019. It's unbelievable what has happened since. 

The best part is that 2025 seems already out of the picure. Pitchers and catchers just reported to camp. Quick fun fact about Anthony Rendon, he is not a pitcher or catcher. He's been required to do zero things so far at Spring Training, and you KNOW that motherfucker isn't busting his ass in the offseason. In case you needed a reminder, baseball is not a top priority for this professional baseball player. 

The only time you can get him to care about anything remotely tied to baseball is if you call him a bitch near a baseball field. Probably the highlight of his Halos tenure to be honest. 

Dude is a role model for us all. How could you not dream of caring so little about your job, yet still be handsomely compensated? What a legend. The reigning, defending, undisputed Mail Time champion of the world. 

P.S. The fact that Trout and Rendon play on the same team and never actually play is special. What an organization.