"Really, You Can't Live Without a Drink?", Smug Saudi Arabian Ambassador Says 2034 World Cup Will Be Alcohol Free

The "too good for alcohol" gentleman in this video who speaks on behalf of all of Saudi Arabia is Prince Khalid bin Bandar. He is the ambassador to the United Kingdom, and appears to be the mouthpiece for Saudi Arabia when it comes to matters of the 2034 World Cup. And boy... what a condescending little prick this guy is.

"ReaLLy, yOu cAn't liVe wiThOut a dRinK? You can't go a few days without alcohol? You can't enjoy the beautiful game without a pint? What are you addicted or something?

Yes, asshole. Is this your first day on earth? What do you think the entire western world is doing all of the time? Just traipsing through life sober, dealing with our problems head on, relying on the personalities god gave us to get through social situations and derive enjoyment out of life? Do you know how fucking insane that sounds? I've been sober for just over 100 days now, and let me tell you, it's boring as shit. Sure it's the best thing for me, but you can't force people to live that way. You can't invite the entire world to your country, a world that loves alcohol as much as it needs oxygen and completely deprive them of it. That's downright cruel. 

I know your culture is important to you, but you gotta meet people halfway Mr. Prince. And if we're being honest, I'm fairly confident most people who will be traveling to your country for the 2034 World Cup aren't doing so because they're looking forward to experiencing Saudi Arabian culture. They're tolerating it because they love soccer. No woman wants to be smacked across the face with a paddle the moment they step foot in Riyadh, but they're willing to take a few licks if it means they get to watch their country compete on the world's stage. 

I don't want to be unreasonable. I'm not asking Saudi Arabia to change their culture to the point that the women visiting won't receive a few daily lashings. But to not cater to men is a little ridiculous, don't you think? We're talking about men of status, leaders of industry, patriarchs of families, owner's of land. Men who've earned the right to consume alcohol wherever they want, whenever they want, as much as they damn well please. To deprive men of the world of their inner most desires is not very Saudi Arabian of you at all.  

This prince thinks he's so much better than us. He's so smug as he sits there with his stupid, regular sized, not-bloated-from-decades-of-alcohol-abuse face. I'd love to corner this guy in a dark alley, make him take out his penis, and have him pee in a cup so I can run a 12-panel drug test on him. There's not a prince in the world who isn't addicted to something. I have it on good authority (one CNN article from 2022) that Saudi Arabia is becoming the drug capital of the Middle East. I wonder how he'd like it if we deprived him of his drug of choice for a week. Bet he wouldn't be so high about mighty about not changing his country's culture then. Saudi Arabian women will sooner be driving motorcycles in bikinis before Prince Khalid spends 12-hours in withdrawal. 

You picked a hell of a battle to fight, sir. It's not just alcoholics your pissing off either. You're messing with the alcohol companies. You're messing with advertising dollars. You're coming after people's wallets. Good luck holding strong with that for the next 9 years. Bitch.