Leave No Doubt: US Men's U-17 Team Wins 22-0, Chase Adams Had 10 Goals And This Is The Type Of Soccer We Should Be Playing

This is what I want out of US Soccer. I want to be the big, bad bullies. Don't care who you are, what level it is, what event it is. We go out there and show no mercy. Have people call us classless, beg for a mercy rule and instead we just keep scoring. 22-0 is a fucking hilarious soccer score, I don't care if it's U-17 or the real World Cup. You can only play who is on the schedule and yesterday was the US Virgin Islands. 

Shout out Chase Adams too. 10 goals in one game is something that should stay as a record. Love seeing the box score there and it's every 2-3 minutes just grabbing a goal. This, again, is someone we'll need on US soccer going forward. It's about development and we need to develop guys who will be willing to dominate. I just assume our coach was doing this on the sidelines: 

I'd even argue that winning 22-0 is less embarrassing than calling off the dogs. We've seen it happen before. Teams start to feel bad and just don't even try anymore. That's worst case scenario. If I were to ever lose 22-0, at least I knew they were trying to beat my ass for 90 minutes.