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Wake Up With The First Trailer For Tim Robinson And Paul Rudd's New Movie 'FRIENDSHIP'

Craig's life is disrupted by the arrival of a new neighbor.

The main observation I had from this trailer is simple: This has the feel of a 'I Think You Should Leave' skit but in long form. The concept is kind of an amalgam of a few skits from the show, specifically the Beck Bennett pay-to-play friend group one and the cast features a few ITYSL guys in Carmen Christopher and Conner O'Malley. The more I think about it, the more I'm unsure of how much I like that. 

I'm a big fan of ITSYL but kind of the beauty of the skits is that they rarely overstay their welcome. Get in, deliver a few jokes, get out. While this movie isn't directed or written by Robinson, I just don't know much I like the feel being this similar. That said, Robinson is currently running the best sketch show on television and, if short form guys like the Lonely Island can make the leap with very funny movies like 'Hot Rod' and 'Popstar', why can't he?

On the backend, this was written and directed by Andrew DeYoung who directed episodes of 'Dave', 'PEN15', 'Miracle Workers' and 'Our Flag Means Death'. It's currently sitting on 87% on Rotten off 23 reviews which isn't too shabby. 

It comes to theaters this May.