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Rachel Brosnahan Almost Spilled A Superman Secret Live On The Critics Choice Red Carpet

"It was so much fun. It was so different from anything I'd ever done before, and that's half the joy of getting to do what we do. You know, I got to, uh - oh I almost just gave something away!"

Uh oh - our new Lois Lane almost slipped up already! I think Rachel Brosnahan may have some more James Gunn-assigned anti-spoiler training ahead of her! The former 'Marvelous Mrs. Maisel' star held herself back well there, but she came way too close to letting something slip in what must have been her FIRST red carpet interview since the trailer aired! We're gonna need her on the Mintzy delay by March if she keeps this up! 

What do we think she was about to say? I kinda feel like she was about to say "I got to...." GO somewhere, possibly implying a spoiler based on location? For example: James Gunn filmed all of the new 'Fortress of Solitude' scenes in Norway - maybe she was about to say "I got to go to Norway!" or something like that? 

Surely she wasn't going to say something as tame as "I got to fly!" right? We all saw that already in the trailer....

Shoutout to the Cleveland Arcade, love the 216

Maybe she was going to say "I got to dangle off the side of a building!" revealing Lex Luthor (or someone else?) will capture her and force Superman to save her at some point? Maybe it was gonna be "I got to do stunt training and have my own fight scene!" spoiling that Lois Lane kicks some ass in the DCU? I don't know - I'm just spitballing here!

This would be a pretty funny storyline for a Superman story, though - if ol' loose lips Lois kept almost revealing his big secret after she found out. I could see it now….

Perry White: "How was your weekend, Lois?"

Lois Lane: "Great, Perry! Thanks for asking! Clark flew me to London….on his, uh, new flight simulator!"

Perry White: "I don't know what you see in that nerd, Lois."

….or maybe even….

Coworker #1: "Oh my god Lois, you've met Superman?!

Lois: "Yeah, of course! I don't know what the big deal is. I mean, you guys work with him too."

Coworker #2: "Uhh, what?"

Lois: "I mean, like, uhh, we're all working together to make this city better, right?"

all of Lois' coworkers huddle away from her

Coworker #3: "Is this bitch Xan'd out right now? What's wrong with her?"

Call me, James Gunn. I've got plenty of money-making ideas for DC Studios. Loose lips Lois is on the house, though. You can have that one for free.

Seriously, though, shoutout Rachel Brosnahan - I'm very excited to see her take on Lois Lane. I thought she was a great casting choice as soon as it was announced, and July can't get here soon enough.