There is some hope for humanity, and it resides in an unfinished Ohio treehouse.

If you know me, you know I probably don’t like you… Perhaps the feeling is mutual, and I don't really care.
It’s nothing personal, it’s just that society has passed me by, leaving behind a confused old man screaming, “Get the fuck off my front lawn!” while simultaneously searching for the remote control that I am sitting on.
I tried watching the Grammys over the weekend during NASCAR commercial breaks, but almost every artist sounded like an overproduced hack and practically every woman in attendance looked like a 2-bit whore… And before you say it, I am fully aware that those two generalizations are both untrue and unfair, but my plaque-ridden heart still believes that practically everyone in attendance at those awards were untalented harlots.
And away from any disgraceful awards ceremony, there is always a random post on my social media feed that causes me to shut down my computer for the day.
Sometimes it'll be a mentally incapacitated masochist getting her eyes tattooed…
And sometimes it will be some other MIM (mentally incapacitated masochist) shoving something into his or her body that should never be shoved into any human's asshole.
The fact that I stop and stare at these train wrecks probably doesn't help shit like this leave my timeline, or perhaps the algo just throws the dark shit at me when it knows it's time for me to go to bed.
Either way, nearly every fucking video, Reel, Tweet, or post I see about our current culture disappoints me in one way or another… And, again, don't bother defending your music, fashion, or hobbies because I'm just too old and too tired to fucking care.
Occasionally, some things come across my desk that give me a glimmer of hope, and today it is the story of these kids building a clubhouse in the woods somewhere in Ohio…
Just a couple of buddies building a clubhouse, and documenting it on social media.
Once this series of posts started to gain traction, the boys' parents did what everyone else does nowadays, and set up a GoFundMe account to offset the price of materials. I believe their original goal was to raise $500, and at last check, the fund was up to almost 17 grand.
I put the link above not so you could donate to it… I certainly am not going to… But instead to track the progress of the story.
The boys have already built a rickety bridge that resembles the rope bridges you see in movies like Indiana Jones and Jumanji, and with another $17,000 to spend, it's just a matter of time before these real Americans have themselves a topnotch forest getaway where they can smoke cigarettes, shoot bows and arrows, make s'mores, and maybe look at a little pornography.
And, at the end of the day, isn't that what childhood is all about?
So, if you're like me, maybe check in on these fine lads and their building progress because their documentation of the American Dream is a real palette cleanser for the American Nightmare we see everywhere else.
Happy building, fellas… And take a report.
Were things this fucked up 100 years ago?
Winds up the answer is "yes" and you can hear all about it on the latest episode of Twisted History…