That's Enough Internet For Today- Catching Shit

Every now and again, I catch myself hunched over my phone with the posture of a fucking jumbo shrimp as I am furiously 'doom-scrolling' until I find something so odd that it makes me question the future of this world.
Typically, the posts that stop me dead in my tracks are sexual in nature, and sometimes they are not sexual at all. But no matter what they are, they are always weird enough to make me wonder- Why the fuck does this even exist?
Today, that question and one other arose when I bumped into this…
What is the most degrading thing you could ask someone to do while keeping their clothes on?
If this were an episode of Family Feud, I don't know if this post would be Steve Harvey's number 1 answer…
… but asking someone to get dressed up in a gown to catch some warm and freshly expelled softball-sized pieces of shit from directly beneath an elephant's asshole has got to be right up there, no?
And, if not, then I've truly had enough of the internet for today.
Take a report.
I dropped a new episode of Twisted History last week… Tried to give some perspective on what is happening in the world today by highlighting similar events that happened exactly 100 years ago…