Is This The Best Italian Beef In Chicago?
First off, here's the beef in question…
So the question is:
Is it the best in Chicago beef?
And my answer is:
I have no fucking clue.
And that is because it's only the 7th or 8th beef I've ever had in this beautiful city. And, although I pretend to be an expert in most things, this area is one where I am very happy to maintain my amateur status until I try at least another 25 or 30 more around town.
I can tell you that when you chat with the guy making your sandwich (who obviously had ZERO idea who I was) about the Italian sausage they grind in-house, and he unexpectedly gives you a free sample link that's been simmering in his Sunday sauce all day, your store gets a well-deserved soft spot in my heart. And just now thinking about that added treat has left an unexpected wet spot in my bed.
The picture I used in the thumbnail was one I ripped from their Instagram page (with their permission, of course) and it is the same beef I had WITH THE ADDITION OF ONE OF THOSE SAUSAGES!!!!
My life is chock-filled with regrets, but not throwing their Italian sausage onto their Italian beef is one of the greatest regrets of my long life… Why the fuck didn't I do that?
Rookie fucking move.
And last thing before I move on from Bari… I mentioned in the video that they have a MILD, HOT, and also a SUPER HOT option for their giardineira…

I like heat as much as the next idiot, but I want to warn you to TREAD LIGHTLY IF YOU OPT FOR THE SUPER HOT because the habañeros they use in their giard are doing what habañeros do very well. And what those hot little fuckers did to my sensitive backdoor had me squirming in my seat the whole flight home.
My go-to for recommendations in the area is Eddie because he is the closest thing to a 'true Chicagoan' that I have ever met, and he and I will someday make the trip to Johnnie's out in Elmwood Park after another beautiful night of bocce to try what is his favorite beef.

Until then, I will continue to pillage any Chicago sandwich institution I come across and continue to be equal parts impressed and also jealous that we don't sell these on every street corner in NYC.
Take a report.