I Am ALL IN On Neo-Caleb Williams With Ben Johnson

Fresh cut, new coach, and everyone looks more bad ass in a duster. I LOVE this look from Caleb. Business. The internet went nuts calling him Neo during the Ben Johnson press conference. I think people assumed Caleb did it by accident. Wrong. He was 100% going for a look. He said he felt like he was in the Matrix during his rookie year. Just dodging bullets left and right

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Except a lot of those bullets actually hit him and he died. Ben Johnson is a new era though. Probably feels like last year was a red pill for life in the NFL. Big time wake up call. Like, for instance, your punter is going to have to punt…a lot. Ben Johnson is going to be doing his training now. That would make him Morpheus. Nobody better to have and Ben Johnson believed in Caleb all along which is a great start. 

That's all I need to hear. Tear it down to studs. Rebuild Caleb, the offense, and everything that is needed around him. It begins and ends with Caleb though. I believe that we have the right quarterback. I think Johnson is going to get him to a level where his eyes and brain catches up with his arm and feet. That is the best case scenario. Just needs an offensive line secret service detail in front of him to ensure it can happen. Hopefully that is addressed this draft and free agency in a real way.