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Breaking News: Dave Portnoy Had Ohio's Tate REMOVED From Tonight's Rundown To Add Tommy Smokes And Rico Bosco

Look I know the guy has hundreds of millions of dollars, but at what price do you value your pride at? This is the type of move that sticks with a guy.  Now don't get me wrong, I thought Dave was a sore loser before today. But after this, I've realized he's the ultimate dish it but can't guy in the entire company. And we've got a full roster of em.  But anyways, the way this story goes is that I was invited to do the Rundown last night, in the midst of blogging and slinging shirts for this company. Confirmed it again this morning. Then, because I would like to create good content at this content company I work for, I decided to invite Dave to join. I mean, the worst he could do is say No, right? 

I honestly thought he'd say Yes. I mean, end of the day, more buzz equals more views equals more merch equals good for business. Plus, two months ago, I sat on The Rundown while Dave lectured me and Big Ev, not even letting us speak. I figured this was our chance to rebuttal? At worst, it would be good content. And he could probably use that big old brain of his to run circles around us….I mean, they did beat us? He's not fighting empty handed (and neither would I be, of course. And he knew it).  So not only did he not respond to my text, he then went and had me removed from tonight's Rundown. Replaced me with Tommy Smokes and Rico Bosco.  Am I surprised? No, it's a Portnoy 101 move. My bet is they don't lead off with the National Championship and do the schtick where it's not even the top story. Probably wearing some Team Portnoy or Michigan gear, too. But the way I see it, I'm not even mad. This is a feather in my cap. Because anyone that can read between the lines sees once again, that Dave is a pussy, surrounds himself with Yes Men that he can control, and would rather avoid confrontation with someone who can equal his creativity and trolling skills.  If he ever addresses it, which I see he's learned it's best to avoid, my guess is he says I'm bad on camera and not good content. The numbers and increase in followers and texts I get from inside the company say otherwise, but whatever allows you to avoid someone who can fight back, Dave is willing to do. 

Would've been a great show today! But instead we get to watch Tommy and Bosco slurp him up.