Ryan Day and Ohio State Had Their Championship Celebrations Immediately Derailed by a Rogue Golf Cart Driver Who Smashed Right Into a Wall

Heads up!

I have a little bit of empathy for this woman because I'm a 1x golf cart incident survivor myself, but not flooring it right into the gigantic cement wall directly in front of you seems like a pretty easy mistake to avoid. And she was looking right at it for a solid two seconds before impact. I have no idea how this happened.

She just … kept her foot on the gas. There would be a lesson in there somewhere if this didn't end up with Ohio State's head coach nearly being thrown out of a golf cart with the front wheels almost torn off. I love that she immediately started trying to back up and keep going, too. This woman might make some mistakes, but she's a model of resiliency.

On the plus side, this came after a much better result for the Buckeyes than the last time their head football coach was seen in a golf cart after a game.