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Men Being Men - Jiri Prochazka Bought Jamahal Hill A Drink After Knocking Him Out This Weekend

Here's just about the manliest shit I've ever heard: after their absolute slobberknocker/war at UFC 311, where Jiri Prochazka knocked out Jamahal Hill - Prochazka spotted his opponent at the hotel bar and bought him a drink, telling Hill, "We fight together, we drink together. All good between us." 

Honestly the only thing that could've made the moment manlier is if they were drinking Jack Daniels straight from the bottle with the original 'Roadhouse' on in the background. That's some major 'dudes rock' shit if I've ever seen it, and it also just further proves that a lot of these guys are pretty normal and down to earth when it comes down to it. Yeah, they could look like heartless savages in the octagon - and some of them are exactly that - but 'kill or be killed' is basically their job! Oftentimes opponents are more than happy to share a drink after scrapping it out and leaving the cage. That's just the fight business.

Who knows where the night led Jiri next, because his tease of the crazy stuff the guys from his village were gonna see back at his hotel was extremely ominous and bizarre....

….and his further talk about it with Helwani today didn't necessarily clear anything up!

He seems like a pretty cool guy, though, and after all he did for one of his fans last week - it's hard not to root for him going forward….