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White Sox Dave Just Dropped The Song Of The Summer, "Kama La La Love"

January 20, 2025. A day that will live in infamy. A day we will look back upon and remember, that was the day everything changed. White Sox Dave just took over the music game. 

Talk about just what the doctor ordered. White Sox Dave just put the country on his back and dropped the song this place needed to come together and unite. 

This is what happens when you record a podcast and have an inside joke that goes on too long with two insanely talented (Grammy award winning, nbd) individuals (Kenny Carkeet AWOL Nation, producer for Nickelodeon and Spongebob Square Pants (ever heard of it?) and Johnny Kongos of the band Kongos).

A long-running joke grew actual legs, Dave flew out to LA on his own dime (shout out having zero production budget and still bootstrapping this Backstage thing ourselves), met Kenny at his recording studio and banged this out in one night. I know, I was surprised too. Listening to it, you'd be totally in line to think this took weeks to write and produce. Months even. But nope, Dave is clearly just a natural. 

He got back to Chicago and linked up with Corey and our wizard production team and filmed this video. 

The result is a debut single that should be charting by the end of this afternoon.