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Nothing But Respect For My OCD Kicker Zane Gonzalez

If my kicker doesn't tweak before every kick, I send him back. What an OCD king! He does this before every kick, but tonight's was special. I think he went for the hair fix a world record number of times. But hey, whatever works!!! I hope this catches on league-wide. Like how Steph Curry changed the NBA with everyone shooting 3's, Zane changed kicking that everyone has a nervous tick. Gonna see kickers hopping over certain yard markers, rubbing a lucky rabbit's foot 8 times, doing the cha-cha-slide, whatever they need to do. 

But seriously, 2 huge kicks from Zane tonight- a 52 yarder and then the doink to seal it. To be honest, that doink looked right down the middle until the last second, I could not believe my eyes when it doinked. But it all counts for 3, and man, it wouldn't be a Commanders game this season without something insane happening at the end. Shout out to King Zane for getting it done.