Pinning Your Firefighter Jacket to Look Ripped While Reporting on the LA Fires is an All Time Journo Moment

The fires currently raging in Los Angeles, that as we speak are still 0% contained according to officials, are obviously a tragedy on an almost an unimaginable scale. The sort of disaster that typically brings out the very best in our fellow humans. The type of historic event where historically we seen Americans of all walks of life coming together to help one another. In short, crises such as this tend to bring out the very best in us. The understaffed fire departments. Crews manning the fire planes and helicopters. Police. Emergency medical teams. Local officials. Everyone.
OK, maybe not LA's mayor:
Or the people in charge of that most basic responsibility of government, keeping the fire hydrants in working condition as something other than a just a thing you can't park in front of:
But everyone else. Including the Journos who are stoically braving the flames, putting their own safety on the line, in order to report on this catastrophe. Their dedication is a perfect example of the vital role of the media in a free society. Keeping the public informed with the vital information we need in order to have functioning democracy.
But just because you're carrying out that duty doesn't mean you can't look sexy AF while your at it. Just ask ABC News anchor David Muir:
Just the fact this video went viral courtesy of Reality TV star and paranormal investigator Jack Osbourne might be the most Los Angeles thing of all time. That said, here's some context:
Daily Mail - ABC News star David Muir has been viciously mocked for using clothes pegs to cinch in his jacket during an LA fire report and emphasize his physique.
Muir, 53, was in the Pacific Palisades, pointing out the rubble behind him during a stand-up hit, when he turned around - revealing the fashion faux pas.
'As you can see here behind me,' he said, while the clamps could be seen on the back of his jacket.
The clamps seemed to tighten Muir's ill-fitting ABC News-branded jacket in a way that shows off his chiseled torso.

Listen up, assholes. Get this through, OK? David Muir isn't on radio. He's not podcasting. He's not in print. He's a fucking TV fucking star. Which means when he's pointing to some scene of devastation, showing the aftermath of thousands of lives ruined and financial fortunes wiped out, he's got to look good doing it. If those middle aged wine moms watching from Topeka aren't horny for him, they'll flip to CNN or Fox faster than you can say Jack Robinson. He's just meeting his obligation to his employers look jacked.
What I'm hoping for against hope is that cameras were recording. And that sometime in the future we'll get that video released.
The crew: "Why don't we set up here? We've got a good angle. Let's roll."
Muir: "Not yet. Look at me in this thing! I look like fucking Chris Christie."
Crew: "Well it's the only jacket we have."
Muir: "Listen, asswipe. I don't shred in the gym seven days a week and skip all those carbs just so I can stand here looking like a pool float! Pin me up! I don't care if you have to run between burning buildings to find some clothespins hanging on a damned line! If I don't look like I've been getting my pump on, you don't get a report and you're finished at ABC! You'll be filming 1-alarm house fires at 2am in January on a local affiliate in Duluth! Pin me! Chop chop!"
Though to be fair to Muir, he did look amazing. And at least he didn't get humiliated by a fact check from his own reporter live at the scene like this guy:
Prayers for Los Angeles. Godspeed to the people on the ground actually battling nature to end this disaster. To everybody else? Do better.