The Hills' Spencer & Heidi Pratt Have Lost Their Home to the Pacific Palisades Fire

That's actually heartbreaking. Not only because Spencer and Heidi Pratt are the single greatest love story in reality TV history. Back when The Hills was in it's heyday, there was not one single person who watched the show, not one person on the show, or one person in Heidi's life who wanted her to be with Spencer. She lost her best friend over their relationship. Heidi's mom broke down in tears in the unrecognizable surgically reconstructed face of her daughter, begging her not to be with Spencer. He was as toxic of a person as you'll ever see. Even by reality TV standards. 

That was in the late 2000's. And guess who's still together? Guess who's got a big happy family? A family without a house at the moment, but a family nonetheless. That's true love right there. A modern day Romeo & Juliet. Say what you want about Spencer & Heidi, but to persevere through everyone in your life absolutely fucking despising your relationship, and still be together nearly 20 years later... that's pretty damn impressive. Or maybe it's just really controlling. Idk. But look at Spencer now. He went from being a manipulative fucking pshyco of a human being, to a perfectly normal healthy adult. 

It's heartbreaking to watch anybody's home go up in flames. And it's especially heartbreaking, because if you happen to have been following Spencer's social media in recent years, then you can't help think about what's happened to the poor hummingbirds. 

Even his son has taken up hummingbirding.

So sad to think about. Terrible to watch. I shudder to think about the number of crystals Spencer lost in the flames. Kate wrote a more detailed blog about the state of the fires in California. It's crazy how so many people live in an area that's liable to burst into flames if the wind blows the wrong the way.  The pictures and videos are terrifying.

It's always the animals that get me. At least the people living there can watch the news. People have a choice to evacuate. That poor dog didn't choose to wait it out. The horses have nowhere to go. They just have to be set free and fend for themselves. God speed horses. God speed animals. God speed Spencer & Heidi. I can't imagine having to deal with something like that.