The Prison Guard Who Went Viral For Filming A Sextape Inside A London Prison With An Inmate Has Been Sentenced To 15 Months Of Hard Time

Unless you live under a rock, you saw the video that went massively viral of the London prison in what feels like two weeks but was actually 6 months ago:

And if you do, I can't do the work for you to show you the 4 minute long, multiple sex position, still in uniform madness that occurred in that one vermin filled cell on that late September day. But you have two hands and can easily find it on the Internet where it was seen by millions of people leading to an overhaul at the prison which was apparently, and definitely shockingly, a shithole.

Without any additional information, a four minute sextape filmed by another inmate who is commentating saying shit like "do your thing bruv" before he records a full on 15/15/30 Stu Feiner inspired fornication session of his inmate friend is ludicrous in its own right. Now what if I told you the prison guard who is alleged of doing these heinous things had her wedding ring on in the video and internet sleuths found out she was happily married with a kid? I don't think it's too crazy to say with context, and if you've watched the video (which I had to for journalistic research purposes and only that) you'd agree, that all-in-all this may be one of the crazier things ever willingly posted to the Internet. That's what I said in September, and it only took a few months for the justice system in the UK to hand down what some are calling swift and needed justice. I wasn't one of those people.

The only real new details we found out is that they also found some evidence of the reported sextapes on her prison guard body cam which seems like a huge oversight by Ms. De Sousa Abreu, and she tried to head to Madrid where the police said not so fast sister. 15 months seems like an outrageous amount of hard time to do for something like this, but that's why I'm just a blogger and not in the law system. Happy trails.