The Biggest Star During Netflix's First Monday Night Raw: Topanga, Of Course (Eric Matthews Was There Too, But Got Brutally Snubbed)

Last night was the start of Raw on Netflix. Robbie talked about it here:

But you know who the real star was? You know who was trending? A little someone we all know as Topanga

Oh, yeah, Eric Matthews was there too. Poor guy couldn't catch a break considering they had no idea it was him apparently. During the show Michael Cole just refused to say his name as they showed the stars. He couldn't even get a nameplate like Danielle Fishel did: 

At least Netflix got him covered: 

Can't believe they left Eric Matthews out though. We all know Eric Matthews! He was a key part of Boy Meets World. But, much like last night, this blog is about Topanga. You just say the name Topanga and you're instantly back in the 90s sitting at the lunch table with your boys. Other names that send you back there: 

1. Kelly Kapowski (duh)

2. Kimberly/Pink Ranger

3. Sable 

4-679,012: Any random former player

It makes sense for Topanga to be a big wrestling fan. Who could forget the episode of Boy Meets World when Vader was there during the Sweet 16? She played the role perfectly last night of saying New Day sucks, she's into it, which means it's still real to me, damnit. She has a history of posting stuff with wrestlers: 

But shout out Topanga. Just when you think she couldn't have been more of a 90s crush, you find out she's still into wrestling and not afraid to make fun of Eric Matthews. Still got it.