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President Jimmy Carter Once Told GQ That The Director Of The CIA Used a Psychic Woman In California To Find a Missing Plane That Satellites Couldn't Locate

As I'm sure you are aware of by now, former President Jimmy Carter passed away over the our holiday break at the age of 100 years old. Naturally being the curious fella I am, while not being Klemmer's age to live through and recall his presidency, I read up on Jimmy Carter a bit. By far the most fascinating thing that I came across was his interest in UFOs and aliens. Carter had a famous account where he claims to have encountered a UFO.

(GQ) I saw an unidentified flying object. I've never believed that it came from Mars. I know enough physics to know that you can't have vehicles that are tangible in nature flying from Mars, looking around, and then flying back. But I saw an object one night when I was preparing to give a speech to a Lions Club. There were about twentyfive of us men standing around. It was almost time for the Lions Club supper to start, which I would eat and then I would give a speech. I was in charge of fiftysix Lions Clubs in southwest Georgia back in the late '60s. And all of a sudden, one of the men looked up and said, "Look, over in the west!" And there was a bright light in the sky. We all saw it. And then the light, it got closer and closer to us. And then it stopped, I don't know how far away, but it stopped beyond the pine trees. And all of a sudden it changed color to blue, and then it changed to red, then back to white. And we were trying to figure out what in the world it could be, and then it receded into the distance. I had a tape recorder—because as I met with members of Lions Clubs, I would dictate their names on the tapes so I could remember them—and I dictated my observations. And when I got home, I wrote them down. So that's an accurate description of what I saw. It was a flying object that was unidentified. But I have never thought that it was from outer space.

Hold on a second. You mean to tell me that we had a missing plane in Africa that zero satellites could pinpoint, so we hit up this supernatural, all knowing psychic in California who discovered it immediately? We just had a witch on retainer in case we needed her to bail us out of a bad situation? Is this more known and I'm an idiot? Or….was the CIA using some crazy tech that they didn't want the President to know about and fed him this crazy woman as a cover? I think it's more fun to believe in things so I'm gonna operate under the notion we had this magical woman who could find anything on the Earth. 

Before he got elected, Carter promised the American people that he would release the Roswell documents. Honestly if I was voting back then that alone would have been enough to swing my vote. 

"If I become President, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and the scientists."

As the story goes he met with the CIA director at the time, George H. W. Bush. He was initially told he didn't have a need to know about everything. Years later he was given a briefing and it broke him. There's some rumors out there that he left the meeting crying and/or in a state of distress that remained for weeks, but there doesn't seem anything truly credible confirming that happened. His request to reveal the files was revoked by the CIA and he never really spoke of it again. 

I just want to know more about this psychic. Is she still kicking? Can she find the MH370 flight? Was Jimmy Carter lied to? Does she have winners? These are all questions I need answers to.