Mysterious Drones Are Still Flying Over New Jersey, Now Tracking U.S. Coast Guard Vessels, FBI Admits They Have No Idea What's Going On

Last week we had a flood of reports of car sized drones flying over towns in New Jersey. They looked like planes. Cruised over homes. Hovered near military research facilities. I blogged about this exact same shit last Thursday.

Nothing has changed since then. The company line remains that nobody in our government, not the FBI, CIA, AOC, has any idea where they're coming from. Not the slightest clue who's controlling them. They could be anything from space aliens, to Russia, to water aliens, to some random guy who bought a shit load of bitcoin back in 2011 and has billions of dollars at his disposal and likes fucking with people. Or maybe the government knows exactly what they are, and don't want to tell us. They could be behind the whole thing. The whole thing could be a distraction form something much, much bigger. Regardless, whoever does know what's going on is certainly not sharing the information with us.

We've now reached a point where New Jersey senators are calling for a state of emergency (albeit a "limited" one). 

We have New Jersey Congressman, Chris Smith (I like this guy) on the front lines pleading with people take action.

NJ 101.5 - After seeing an 'army of drones' following behind a Coast Guard vessel off the coast of New Jersey, Congressman Chris Smith (R-4) suggests the U.S. military shoot one down.

Smith's comments came during the House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Tuesday.

He and other members of the committee were stunned to hear the FBI still doesn't know the origin of the drones or who is piloting them.

FBI Assistant Director of the Critical Incident Response Group Robert Wheeler continued to insist they had no evidence suggesting the public was at risk, but when pressed he added, "But we just don't know. And that's the concerning part."

Smith says he was "deeply concerned" after police video recorded an army of 55 drones coming from off the coast of New Jersey's. Dozens of those drones also trailed a U.S. Coast Guard vessel.

Seems pretty obvious to me as well, Chris. If we have no fucking clue what they are, and nobody is claiming them, and they're flying in air space where they're not allowed to fly. If we're fully capable of tracking them or shooting them down, then why not do it already? 

What would have to happen for the FBI to consider it evidence suggesting the public was at risk? Assuming that the reports of dozens of drones trailing a military vessel are true, that seems a little threatening. Maybe it's not a public safety issue in the sense of the drones are going to blast a civilian with a space laser on their walk to work. But it sure seems like a public safety risk on the macro level. Who knows what they're capable of. They're changing the damn clocks for Christ Sakes!

The government admitting they have no plan at all is crazy. They're just sitting back hoping that the drones stop showing up someday. Fingers crossed they're not nefarious. We'll just hope that the drones aren't able to get whatever information they're after, and will eventually stop trying. Or hopefully the drones just want to get some cool photographs of ships. Or are studying the cartography of New Jersey for educational purposes.

Maybe they're afraid what shooting down a drone might lead to. I'm sure that's part of it. But honestly, at this point, if shooting down these drones is what sparks World War III, or Space War I, let's just get on with it. I mean, this is exactly how the start of a movie about an alien invasion would start. It's so on the nose I'd consider it lazy writing. "C'mon guys… we can come up with something better than mysterious drones gradually start showing up in droves."

Fuck it. Listen to Chris Smith. Shoot the drones down and see what happens.

UPDATE: Since this blog was published, we've been given an answer. Congratulations to anybody who had Iran pegged as the culprit

DOUBLE UPDATE: The Pentagon immediately denied his claim

Here's a pointless follow up blog I wrote under the pretense that the drones were in fact from Iran (bottom line is they still have no idea wtf is going on)