Tonight Marks The Beginning Of The End Of The Eras Tour With Taylor Swift's Last Three Shows In Vancouver

It's finally happening. The Eras Tour is coming to an end after nearly 2 years of touring and if you ask the Swifties, we're all feeling pretty bittersweet about the whole thing. 

Of course everyone wants Taylor Swift to give herself a break. She's been nonstop working, writing, in the news just for stepping out the door for SO LONG. Homegirl deserves a little rest and relaxation with her hot NFL boyfriend. At the same time, The Eras Tour is a moment in time that none of us will ever forget, and are very sad to see end. Not only do the diehard fans understand the significance of this tour, but mainstream media, old haters and brand new fans will be talking about it for the rest of their lives. It's this generations Woodstock, this generation's Beatles - there are no ifs, ands or buts about it. If you didn't go to the Eras Tour, you missed a massive moment in music and pop culture. 

People might give me shit for saying that as I do know lots of people weren't able to get or afford tickets, but going to the shows isn't the only reason this entire tour was such a big deal. Every night there would be hundreds of live streams that people all over the world would tune into, just to feel like they were a part of the magic and you know what? It really felt like you were. It became kind of a secret joke how often everyone would sit on their phones at first to watch grainy live streams, but it became a universal Swiftie experience by the end of the tour, now. This will be our last weekend where we all collectively will be cheering on Taylor at the same time. 

I'm sure there will be surprises in store, but I'll say this - for those of us who have loved this tour and all that came with it, we need to cherish these last few days. Tune in for the surprise songs, throw it on to see your favorite moments, anything. We truly won't know what we've got until its gone. We'll be doing a full recap on the last few shows in Vancouver on Tuesday's episode of Taylor Watch, and i'll be bringing the tissues.