Is Brandon Walker Calling Me Sensitive The Biggest Act Of "The Pot Calling The Kettle Black" Of All Time?
(I originally wanted to title this something funnier and more witty than "the pot calling the kettle black", but 1- I don't know shit for idioms. 2- I'm not funny. And 3- when I plugged in "southern idioms similar to pot calling the kettle black, here were my results- "That’s like the skillet calling the frying pan greasy.", "That's like the spittoon sayin' the cuspidor's dirty.", "He's like a rooster crowin' 'bout how late the sun's gettin' up.", and "Bless her heart, she's got a lot of nerve sayin' that, considerin'." So I stuck with ol' reliable.)
Let me paint you a picture. The year is 2024. A world where the girl who used to be called the town slut is now raking in 10's of millions of dollars a year on onlyfans, billionaires are launching themselves into space for fun, and Brandon Walker- yes, that Brandon Walker- of all people, has the unmitigated gall to call me, sensitive. The same guy who cried on a live stream because his beloved Mississippi State Bulldogs lost a midseason football game. This is the reality we’re living in.
This shot came across my bow late last night when somebody @'d me in a tweet below it.
At first I gave an honorary fist bump to Jeff D. Lowe for showing respect to the great Dante Bichette.
(Sidebar - shout out to one of the best OG Barstool commenter names ever @DanteBichetteBrows)

Then I laughed to myself and went back to writing my blog about Jamie Foxx ALLEGEDLY being poisoned by P Diddy (blog coming later today).
But then, being the sensitive sissy that I am, I thought about it some more, and it occurred to me how ridiculous a statement that was coming from Brandon.
It wasn't eating away at me, but it was one of those things where you're just like "what the fuck? Tell me how you really feel man."
Every interaction I have had with Brandon over the years has been pretty pleasant. Up until last week, when I walked into the Yak while they were playing Goal Ball blindfolded, and I was shouting out assistance, Brandon snapped at me and yelled, "Shut the fuck up". Everything prior to that was respectful, albeit casual.
I love his shoe game and always compliment him on what he's wearing that day.
The only time I've got slightly upset - I wouldn't even really use that word- was when I was trying to line up a bunch of former WWF/WWE wrestlers who were coming to Chicago and wanted to come by the office for his podcast, and he ignored my friend Mojo and I. But he's an extremely busy guy, he's busy making Dave and this company millions of dollars, being the pre-eminent authority on college football in America, and running his household out in the burbs.
All of that said, I thought we were cool. And that there was mutual respect between the two of us.
I might be dead wrong, but I also think I'm pretty good at taking a healthy amount of shit from people and not getting bent out of shape about it. I get called crazy on a pretty frequent basis and just laugh it off. The only things that I really get worked up about are people being hypocrites (namely government employees and politicians), ineptitude (namely in government and politics), corruption (namely in government and politics), and people who are lazy. (I don't mind lazy people who own it. It's the people who are lazy fucks who think they aren't or argue it that pisses me off. But I digress.) Other than that, not much grinds my gears. Sensitive? I’ve got the emotional constitution of a Waffle House cook at 3 a.m.
Brandon, on the other hand, seems to get worked up about a whole hell of a lot.
By Barstool Sports standards, he's in great shape for his age. However, I still worry that he might succumb to a heart attack due to the 20-30 explosions he experiences each day.
Or, that now that he lives in a city that loves crime almost as much as it loves high cholesterol, that he will mouth off and fly off the handle to the wrong person. (Not a Ben Mintz, or Devlin.)
This is a man who gets more heated over SEC rankings than most people do over their tax returns, decided to take a shot at me.
This is the same man who rage-quits group chats because people insult the Egg Bowl rivalry. A man who throws tantrums so often that the Barstool HR department has a file titled "Brandon Walker's Weekly Meltdowns." And he’s calling me sensitive? That’s rich.
Look, I get it. Brandon is the human embodiment of a college football message board, so maybe his perspective is a little warped. He lives and dies with every down, every tweet, and every imaginary slight. But for him to project his feelings-first lifestyle onto me? Absurd.
I also don't really follow along on twitter that much, but the resounding sentiments from everybody in response to that clip from The Dozen was that Brandon has almost as many people as Rico blocked on twitter for saying things to him he doesn't like. I wasn't an English major, but isn't that being sensitive?
And yes, I fully understand the irony in writing 1,000 words about disagreeing being called sensitive.
It's not the message, it's the messenger. If White Sox Dave or somebody else with thick skin was calling me soft that would be one thing. But Walker?
p.s. - One of my favorite people in the entire company is Brandon's sister Caitlyn. You want to talk about the dozens of people around here who make Barstool work, who are not replaceable, and don't get a ton of credit or thanks- and her name is near the top of the list. She's the best.
P.p.s. - 5 minutes after I hit submit on this blog, this happened.