You’ll Never Guess Which College Basketball Coach Basically Said He Doesn't Work During The Month Of December

And in case the tweet gets deleted 

Listen me and Doug buried the hatchet 2 years ago on Pick Em admist me losing my marbles and thankfully being accepted back into this wonderful company. 

But a spade is a spade here. Doug might be factual in that December in the cubes is the least productive month of the year. You are basically navigating from one office Christmas party to the next and watching bowl games and doing everything you can to avoid real work. Everyone is happy, your bosses are either not in or don’t care. Everyday is a joke. That’s a fact in most of the cubes. Plain and simple. At least in the industries I worked in. All you finance bros relax I know you worked 108 hours a week and never took a piss break, I don’t need you coming for my neck. 

So while he might be factual, you simply cannot tweet this when you have 7 basketball games in the calendar month and your teams record is 2-6. Just can’t have it. Gotta have common sense. Awful look. What are fans thinking about going to a game say about this. If the coach doesn’t care why should they. Ps - attendance matters at this small schools when you need a home court advantage in a half packed gym. What are donors supposed to say when they see this? Pony up a check for NIL when the coach is tweeting out memes? No thanks. Most importantly what are the players going to say when they see this? “Coach wants me to get up more shots and study film” yet he’s tweeting memes like he’s Meek Phil trolling a random Marlins player from his mom’s basement. If the coach doesn’t care why should anyone? Just an awful look here from Dougie. Awful look. 

Also, again since we buried the hatchet I will not mention that this tweet was floating around way before Doug tweeted it and didn’t give the person he stole it from any credit. 

Check the timestamps … the more things change the more they stay the same. 

Ps- our fued for reference