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Kim Kardashian Is Now Trying To Send Subliminal Messages About Having Sex With Robots

What the fuck are we doing here? I know this went around years ago and everyone had a lot of laughs:

But seriously, what is Elon paying Kim to do here? She posted yesterday about having her own Tesla robot, doing the usual "human" shit and being apprehensive (as one does around extremely realistic robots):

But now we're taking sexy photoshoots with it??? Holding its hand?? Sitting on its lap in the garbage Cyber Truck? Just how deep in Elon's pocket is Kim? Truly, what is she trying to advertise here? A life integrated with robots and computers like its not big deal? Even more insane - are we actually promoting the idea of sex with robots? Why is this bag of bolts playing grab ass with Kim???? 

Enough is enough. I know all of the MAGA freaks are out here pumping their chests these days but can you guys kick Elon out of the club? He's a nutcase. All he wants to do is fuck metal and create half human half robot people. Do we not see how sick he is? His obsession with repopulating the earth, by himself, and now trying to convince people to be perverts like him? Do we want this world to turn into Black Mirror? One minute you're playing video games, the next you're casually fucking your bros through AI. Is that what you want?