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Army Dropped Their Army/Navy Uniforms And Holy Hell

Every year since 2016, Army and navy release a special alternate uniform for the Army/navy game. Every year since 2016, Army has had the better uniform and I can confidently say in 2024 we continue that tradition and I haven't even seen navy's uniforms. 

I am not sure how you watch that video and don't get chills. 

Nike, Army Athletics, and West Point's history department put their heads together and do such an exceptional job with the details of the uniform to honor whichever unit is selected. True history buffs and Veterans know a lot of these stories but I'd venture to say that most years the average American and college football fan doesn't know anything about the unit. 

That's where this year's uniforms are different thanks to Band of Brothers on HBO - A ton of people have heard of the 101st Airborne Division and know their history thanks to the miniseries. 

I think the uniforms speak for themselves so I don't need to drone on about the details but I do want to call out one detail that I find especially cool. 

On 22 December Heinrich Freiherr von Lüttwitz, commander of the XLVII Panzer Corps, issued an ultimatum to the 101st’s acting commander, Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe, and demanded surrender of the garrison. McAuliffe’s reply was one word: “Nuts!” 

So we pay homage to this:

This typography evokes the typewritten version of GEN McAuliffe's famous reply to demands for his [American's] surrender. When the Nazi commander demanded surrender, McAuliffe replied only with the word "Nuts!" which Colonel Joseph Harper, conveying his commander's response, informed his confused Nazi counterpart meant, "Go to Hell!"

Go check out the full website if you're interested in more details and history.