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Don’t Sleep on Thanksgiving Season

It was mentioned on KFC Radio today how Thanksgiving as a holiday gets no respect and they are ABSOLUTELY right. We go balls to the wall for a whole month in October for Halloween. Rightfully so to be fair. It’s candy, you get to play dress up as an adult for a day and be a kid again. Pretty good day to celebrate. After that? It’s right to Christmas! The bowls of candy are still out and Mariah Carey is already declaring it the Christmas season when Thanksgiving does in fact also exist. 

The Thanksgiving marketing team has fucked it up immensely for the past 403 years and it’s about time they get it together. The actual day of Thanksgiving has so much more going for it than Christmas yet it feels sorta like a pre-game warmup for “the big one” coming up next month. 

Thanksgiving is unequivocally one of the greatest days of the year from start to finish. All day you’re cycling channels between huge NFL games and Feast Week basketball games (one of the greatest sports weeks of the year by the way), maybe a game of touch in the backyard with the fellas, and the only thing that disrupts you the entire day is a massive plate of food. I don’t know about you, but that sounds pretty sweet to me. No trips to church tied to it, no pressure to break the bank for expensive gifts. Just good, clean, fun.

I blame it on Hollywood. There’s enough Halloween and Christmas movies out there to fill up MONTHS of airtime, but all Thanksgiving has is one measly 30 minute Charlie Brown special and a few TV episodes. Someone get in the writer’s room and craft an incredible Thanksgiving movie. 

Unlike Thanksgiving, I will not let today’s episode of KFC Radio be under marketed. Pete Holmes stopped by today to chop it up with the crew so be sure to give it a listen.




