Whatever You Do In Life, Do Not Become A Youth Hockey Ref In Russia. Unless You Want To Get Your Ass Kicked

Finding a career can be difficult. You go to school and get a degree so you can go work in some accounting firm because you think that's what you're supposed to do. But then 5 years in, you realize you absolutely despise it. The office culture, the monotonous work, the daily routine that brings no joy to your life. You can't stand any of it, but now you feel trapped. You feel like you're too far in to start new somewhere else. Plus the money is good and you like the security and stability it brings. But is that really worth hating 8 hours of your day, 5 days a week for the next 35 years of your life? It's a daily dilemma that many people struggle with. 

Some folks just throw in the towel and concede that this is their life from now on. Others will take the plunge and go off on some new adventure. It could work out incredibly, or it could go up in flames. But you'll never know unless you take that leap. 

I'm here right now for everybody who is considering taking that leap. My biggest piece of advice to you right now? Do NOT move to Russia to become a youth hockey ref. No matter how enticing it may seem in the moment, getting your ass beat by some Russian dad on the ice and then having his son tag in to also beat the shit out of you simply cannot be worth it. 

There are a million things you can do with your life. The world is your oyster, and the options are limitless. But maybe, just maybe, let's put the limit on becoming a youth hockey ref in Russia. Your office job can't be nearly as bad as that. Unless, of course, you're some sick fuck who enjoys getting the crap kicked out of you. In which case that might end up being a dream job. 
