Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Bought A Nice Home In Portugal And The Portugese Are Whining Like The Pathetic Poors They Are

Ready for this? Commie Europeans out of Portugal are pissed that a rich, beautiful couple has purchased an expensive home. In other news, water is wet and Trump loves McDonald's.
Portuguese locals are up in arms about a luxurious new vacation compound where Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have reportedly snapped up a beachfront property.
The Sussexes are said to have splashed out on one of 300 soon-to-be constructed residences at the 722-acre CostaTerra Golf and Ocean Club — a lavish development near the small town of Melides, about 81 miles south of Lisbon.
Melides local Bradley McGuiness told the outlet that it was “the worst thing to happen to the Portuguese coast” and a “typical greed situation.”
“Taking land and property from locals who have been enjoying it for years,” he fumed.
Resident Diana Queiroz added: “I have been going to this place for years, camped there several times and, because of this company, this is no longer possible.”
People have been piling on the Harry and Meghan train for years now, and it feels absolutely exhausted. We get it: they're not the perfect royal JV family you wanted them to be. They're a little attention-hungry and torpedoed their relationship with the monarchy—that noble bastion of truth, fairness, and upright behavior. Hell, they're annoying. They say they want privacy and then they kick the media into another shitstorm about them whenever the attention fades.
But if there's one thing I hate more than attention-seeking, ostracized celebrity couples, it's a local population that complains when capitalism reveals itself.
In this case, we've got a bunch of people in Portugal who are angry that the luxury development company Discovery has built a property in their country. And now they can't wander a stretch of beach with their dogs or camp there because the land is now privately owned.
"Taking land and property from locals who have been enjoying it for years," as Brad McGuiness put it.
Guess what, Brad? They didn't take the land; somebody fucking sold it to them. Maybe your government, which is a republic, meaning you had a say in who you elected. In other words, this is your fault.
People have been buying and selling land and "taking" it from the locals who have enjoyed it for years… for YEARS. Since the dawn of man! This concept serves as the underlying heartbeat of real estate, capitalism, colonialism, empire-building, etc. I didn't see Brad McGuiness complaining on behalf of the people of Mozambique, Brazil, and a dozen other countries they colonized. Granted, that was back in the 16th century, but if Brad were a man of his word, he'd offer a part of his backyard as reparations to these aggrieved nations. Not a chance.
I hope that Harry and Meghan balloon-slice drives onto the beach for decades to come, and the ocean carries their monogrammed golf balls straight to the houses of these petty losers. Just kidding, there's no chance any of these morons have oceanfront homes. Hence why they had to go camping there.