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Almost 20 People Turned Down A Free Dinner With Connor Griffin And White Sox Dave Before An Unlikely Hero Saved The Day

We figured out that our own Connor Griffin is basically at the epicenter of social activity with Barstool employees in Chicago. He's in all the group chats and most plans involve him in some way. He said he'd gotten dinner or hung out with almost 50% of the office one on one. Unfortunately Liam Blutman wasn't on the good side of that list, although not due to want, more of a scheduling conflict.

So we spun a wheel to get an unlikely threesome together for a dinner hang. The wheel landed near White Sox Dave, so he needed to be included in this. But who would the third member be?

The offer was: 

- A free dinner, paid for by Big Cat and Stella Blue Coffee to join Connor and WSD tonight. One night only. No flexbility. Had to be a Tuesday. Just a night out with the boys. 

- Dave picked out a nice restaurant, an Argentinian steakhouse nearby.

- Rainchecks wouldn't cut it, but if the wheel picked you, you could say no you didn't want to. Or if you had plans, that counted as a "no" too.

It turns out, it wasn't easy to get people breaking bread together on a Tuesday night! Hell, Dave didn't even want to hang out with himself.

Our head tech guy, Stefan was one of the first selected.

We got 16 people in before the wheel landed on this man. Danny Lantz.

And this time, our guy said YES!

How did the dinner go? Find out on Wednesday's Yak! In the meantime, catch up on Tuesday's full show.

And if you're able, please support our friends in Florida that need help. This Florida Strong shirt is giving 100% of proceeds to Feeding Tampa Bay, west central Florida's leading food bank providing food and emergency supplies to those in need. So many people are STILL without power and have major damage to their homes. So every bit helps.