Heidi Klum Is Being Called Out Online For Posing Together In A Lingerie Ad With Her 20-Year Old Daughter

Roger Harvey. Shutterstock Images.

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Everyday the Internet seems to find something to get outraged about. I'm not going to pick sides on this one, but rather give flowers where its due to Heidi Klum for managing to stay relevant for what has been decades at this point. There's very few people on this green Earth that can somehow manage to do that, and she's one of them so for that I salute her. Respect where it's due.

By now, people should realize that Heidi simply doesn't give a fuck about the court of public opinion. This is someone who dressed up as a worm for Halloween a few years ago and laughed at anyone saying it was stupid:

You want to know one person who is definitely happy that Heidi linked up with her 20-year old daughter for this lingerie shoot? None other than the DAWG:

We have unlimited Heidi Klum photos that we've paid for rights to because Nate purchased them all. Anyway, in that first blog, Nate posted a campaign that they did for Intimissi, which is a super popular lingerie brand for those who don't have Google. So it seems this isn't the first time they've posed together, and it took over a year for people to become outraged about it. 

Anyway, the only way for you to decide if you're outraged is to see the campaign yourself. So here you go:

The fourth video is a little crazy but I digress. That's for you to decide. All I know is that it's Heidi Klum season who claims she's the "Queen of Halloween", and if I know anything about the Internet, it's that this is no coincidental timing for the release of the photoshoot. That's Heidi Klum season in action. The Internet gets outraged, she gets a zillion dollars from the lingerie company, I get pageviews, and the Earth keeps spinning. Welcome to the Internet in 2024.