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The Barstool Mets: Choose Your Character

It’s another episode of KFC Radio today and the Mets are once again a hot topic because that Mets train just KEEPS. ON. ROLLING. I’ve never been a baseball fan, but now I find myself living and dying with every pitch because I just want to see this Barstool crew of Mets fans win. It’s a lot of clashing personalities in that cave but somehow it works. Since we’re with them for at least 4 more games I figured it’s about time to break down the cast of characters and decide who you’d most like to watch one of these games with.



The OG Mets fan at Barstool yet I still think it somehow goes under the radar just how knowledgeable he is. You could also argue that he’s maybe the calmest out of everyone in the cave? What a crew you’ve got when the guy who carries a Grimace costume around with him at all times has a case for being the calmest.

Frank The Tank

KFC and Clem have said this multiple times, but it’s amazing seeing this team turn Frank The Tank into Frank Fleming right in front of our eyes. For a minute there when things got shaky in the ninth I thought we might see a return of Frank The Tank and EdWIN Diaz would turn back into EdLOSE Diaz in Frank’s eyes but thankfully that didn’t happen.


The ultimate vibes guy. Does anything else need to be said? Clem gives the team morale at least a +30 boost by being in the cave. A pleasure to take in a game with.


We will always Ryde.

Klemmer and Meek Phill

I gotta make them a package deal in this thing because I look at ‘em as a 1-2 punch there in the back. You got Klemmer throwing out little tidbits here and there and then Meek is just Meek. He sleeps on Mets sheets! This team is the last thing he sees before he goes to bed and the first thing he sees to start his day. Hilarious move from Meek saying goodbye to the Phillies crew last night.


Another great vibes guy. I think every text exchange I’ve ever had with Pavs has ended with him calling me “Legend” or “GOAT”. A guy like that can play for me any day. We might need a medic on site for Klemmer, though.

Jack Mac

Jack Mac is just a sports fan. I’m not sure if that makes any sense or if there’s a better way to explain it, but when I think of a sports fan I picture someone like Jack Mac. Maybe Tiko Texas clouded my mind by calling white guys baseball fans, but that’s what I’ve got.


Junkyard dog. What a performance by him in the duel for that bat. That’s a guy that just wants to win.

I think I’d most like to watch a game with KFC or Pavs and that has NOTHING to do with them being my bosses.

Listen to today’s episode of KFC Radio to see KFC’s entire outlook on life change before your eyes.




