Titans Make Sure Everyone Knows Will Levis Is Still Their Starting QB - As He Should Be, Since He's Must-Watch And The Most Entertaining Player In The NFL
We saw what happened last night. One of the worst things in the NFL - Will Levis got hurt and was held out for the rest of the game. That can't happen. The league needs Will Levis. We need Will Levis. He's must-watch TV. I know everyone wants to clown on him and quite frankly, I've had enough. He can't help it that he can't see!
Not sure how that's seeing ghosts, but whatever. People make bad throws, even the greatest players we've seen in the league. Gotta let Levis get through it. You wanna be robbed of moments like this?
We've been watching bad football all across the league this year, especially in the passing game. Levis is at least making shit entertaining. That's all we want, unless you're a Titans fan. You want to sacrifice THIS for Mason fucking Rudolph? I don't think so. Give me the unknown. Give me the guy who might throw for 4 touchdowns while also delivering another meme for Twitter to run with. Give me the guy who isn't afraid to try to make a play no matter how it ends. I'm a simple man, I want to be entertained by teams I don't care about.
You start Will Levis all year. You let him figure it out. You give us the chance to watch Will Levis. That's all we're saying here. You don't bench him because Mason Rudolph beat the Dolphins. The Dolphins are fucking trash. You gotta let the guy in year 2 get the snaps.