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Oz The Mentalist Proves He Can Break Into Anybody's Bank Account With This Latest "Trick" He Did With The Buffalo Bills

I don't know, man. That doesn't seem nearly as much of a magic trick to me as it seems like Oz admitting that he commits bank fraud pretty regularly. If he can get Connor McGovern's ATM pin code, then there's clearly a way he can get his account and routing number, too. If he can get that information off of Connor McGovern, then he can get it off of anybody. 

You ever check your bank account and see some random withdraw for $12.99 that you just chalk up to some subscription service you forgot about? Well maybe that's Oz. And sure, in the grand scheme of things $12.99 might not be too much. It's enough for you to just ignore it. But there are over 300 million people in America. If Oz is grabbing $12.99 off of even just 1% of America's population, that is still 3,000,000 people. That's $39,000,000. 

The Mickey Mouse cake is one thing. Knowing Josh Allen would throw the ball to Greg Rousseau was another. To somehow plant it in Josh Allen's brain to throw to #88 and #50 proves that Oz the Mentalist is one of the best in the game. But to know that was Connor McGovern's pin number? Kinda sorta seems pretty criminal to me. 

Now here's the thing--I think the guy deserves it. If he wants to skim $12.99 off of 3 million people in America, I think Oz deserves it. I don't think all crime is bad. I think if you're good enough at doing it, you should be able to get away with it. But I do feel like this is Oz the Mentalist starting to fly a little too close to the sun. It was all fun and games when he was predicting Super Bowl scores for teams. Now he's out here putting the IRS on notice that he has everybody's pin number on lock. 
